Space Orbital Materials

In plain english these are some considerations that Portland Wiring Harness uses when constructing wiring harnesses intended for use in space flight.

Atomic Oxygen erodes wiring harness insulators quickly:
What is atomic oxygen? One single atom of oxygen is: Atomic Oxygen. Atomic oxygen is often confused with O 3, also known as ozone, which occurs in Earth's upper atmosphere along with "O" (one atom). "O" is atomic oxygen. Atomic oxygen does not exist on the surface of Earth. It is so reactive that it reacts instantly with just about any molecules or elements that it encounters. In space, where there is plenty of ultraviolet radiation, O 2 molecules are broken apart to create atomic oxygen. In the near vacuum of low earth orbit, all elements and molecules are spaced far apart. Atomic oxygen in the upper atmosphere has little to react with, so it remains as one single atom of oxygen. A spacecraft orbiting at 8,000 meters per second encounters many atoms of "O" in a second. This erodes all materials composed of organic compounds.

Atomic oxygen erodes organic compounds and polymers quickly. Atomic oxygen erodes anything organic/ hydrocarbons, and turns the surfaces of silicones into glass. Portland Wiring harness is selecting and useing wiring and harness coverings made from inorganic compounds. Because Portland Wiring Harness is a long time injection molding specialist, we are able to select and use inorganic compounds to form insulators and outer coverings intended for space flight.

Offgassing inside a spacecraft:
Offgassing is best described as "new car smell". Chemical solvents and restrainers escape into the air. In a confined space like submarines and spacecraft, personel do not have the ability to open a window and refresh the air. Offgassing can add up to a point where it can become poisonous to the crew. Portland Wiring harness is able to select compounds that offgass in minimal amounts and use these materials to injection mold insulators and harness parts that are safe for crew and craft.

Offgassing outside a spacecraft:
Portland Wiring Harness is very selective in its use of insulating materials because the wrong harness material can create off gassing. Off gassing is a process that occurs in a vacuum where compounds are released from suspension in some plastics that escape into space and then orbit the spacecraft. These off gassed compounds escape into space and start to circle around the only mass in the near vicinity. Once in orbit around the orbiting mass, these escaped compounds can recondense onto the surface of the spacecraft. Recondensing onto the spacecraft can create unexpected problems like short circuits and gumming up mechanical parts. Portland Wiring harness has experience selecting compounds that offgass in minimal amounts and use these materials to injection mold insulators and harness parts that are safe for crew and craft.
