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Optical table - lidar, inferred, lazer, optical device research model engine(s).

Catalog Number: PW201
Price:  $0.00

Portland Wiring Harness owns and maintains an optical table for research. An optical table is known as a stable platform. Optical tables are used for lidar lazer Inferred, Lazer, optical device research and other echolocation devices.
Portland wiring harness are involved in testing echolocation devices to improve autonomous car and truck systems that we build wiring harnesses for.
Optical tables are vibration proof to the nanometer level and maintain level to one ten thousandth of an inch.
An optical table is a vibration control platform. Used to support devices used for laser- and optics-related experiments, engineering and manufacturing. The surfaces of these tables are designed to be very rigid with maximum dimensional stability creating a plane of alignment for optical elements maintaining stability over time. Systems require that vibration of optical elements be kept small. As a result, optical tables are typically very heavy and incorporate vibration isolation and damping features in their structure. Portland wiring harness's table has pneumatic isolators that act as mechanical low-pass filters, reducing the ability of vibrations in the floor to cause oscillation in the tabletop.
