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We Offer Testing, Design, Programming and Building of Various Types of Testing Stations

We offer testing, design, programming and building of various types of testing stations model engine(s).

Catalog Number: PW660
Price:  $108.15

If you are building a Electric car, EV, or Electric Truck, You are going to need test stations
for the process of building, testing, developing your new electric vehicle, you are going to need workstations. Work Station building, A service that we offer is test and service station building and design. If you are planning on servicing new electric Tesla and other EV, electric and autonomous cars and trucks, you will need testing programming stations. Portland Wiring harness builds and designs testing programming stations for assembly line and repair. Portland wiring Harness has provided this service. The photo is of an antique. The testing programming stations we build are of ten quite large. Give us a call and discuss your assembly line technology.
