Repair agreement contract, robotic systems

Repair agreement contract, robotic systems model engine(s).

Catalog Number: PW206
Price:  $105.45

Photo is a generic representation of a wiring harness or cable harness used as an example to show our customers what kind of harness is being discussed.

Repair agreement:
Portland Wiring Harness
2704 S.E. Steele Street
Portland, OR 97202 888-288-0550
Job Number:_________________________
I__________________________have presented to Portland Wiring Harness a damaged harness for, ____ cleaning, ____repair, ____restoration or ______replacement at customer's option. Portland Wiring Harness accepts no liability for any machine or appliance that this harness is attached to.
Previous Electrical Damage: The machine, device or appliance that the harness came off of could have been electrically damaged by the pre-existing flaws contained within the harness before removal. Portland Wiring Harness accepts no liability for machines or appliances that repaired harness is attached to. It is customers responciblity to connect each wire correctly to machine.
Cleaning process: PWH may clean harness. PWH is not responsible for any damage or further breakdown accelerated by cleaning.
Repair Standards: PWH will repair as many imperfections that can be found inside the harness. Once repaired, PWH warranties only that each repair is durable enough to stand up to the stresses required for commercial transportation standards. (UL486A test standards)
It is impossible for us to know the exact stresses placed on each wire. Your installation person needs to install and test each appliance individually before placing machine into service.
Changes: Harness may have been changed over the years of service while in use. PWH assumes no responsibility for these changes.
Installation workmanship: PWH accepts no responsibility for workmanship upon installation.
Parts on order: Ordered parts needed to repair harness take time to receive. The amount of time this takes is out of PWH’s control.
I have read and understand this contract.

Customer signature______________________________________ Date________

I am signing as a representative of _____________________________________. (company or organization.)

Terms & Conditions of Sale
1. GENERAL AGREEMENT. These Terms and Conditions and the information set forth on the face hereof shall constitute the entire contract between Pacific Supply Group Inc. (hereinafter the “Company”) and the purchaser named on the face hereof (hereinafter the “Buyer”) for the purchase of equipment (hereinafter the “Goods”) specified on the face hereof. Unless Buyer shall notify the Company in writing to the contrary as soon as practicable after Buyer’s receipt hereof, acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by Buyer shall be indicated and, in the absence of such notification, the sale and shipment by Wire
